The Skybrary
Eltsina's Boon
Gold 9.0 g per km
Influence 11.3 per km
Cargo 130
Kills 0
Danger High
Skill? Trade Prestige 5
Lost if shot down? No
Given by? Lion
Affiliation None


"The Guildmistress has heard word that you are one of our allies from one of the factions not normally aligned to our interests. She requests that you transport these 150 crates to (destination) for her. I'd do it if I were you."

Jade Hand text[]

"The Guildmistress is pleased to see one amongst the Green Republic so keen on aiding the Guild. She requests that you transport these 150 crates to (destination) for her. It would make her most happy."


Requires completing Sweeten the Deal.
