The Skybrary

Supplies are used in the Hidden War event to pay for Faction Abilities. Supplies are earned in two ways: by trading and by defeating certain Legendary Combats in skyland patrols.[1]

Supplies go to the skyland where the trade goods are sold or the patrols are defeated. Supplies earned by Independents and Flight Schoolers go to the faction who controls that skyland. For those in other factions, 50% of their Supplies go to their own faction on that skyland and the other 50% go to the faction who owns that skyland. If it's a faction member on a skyland owned by their own faction, all the Supplies go to their own faction.

Due to an RP decision, members of the Azure League, Jade Hand, Earthen Order, and Court of Violets currently earn 10% fewer Supplies than the default.[2]

The Supplies earned by trading are based solely upon the sales price, not the buy price or the profit. The following chart shows estimated values for the number of Supplies earned per crate at each color level.

Trade Good Purple Blue Green Yellow Red
Wood 0 0 ? 0.5 1
Food 0 0.5 ? 1 1
Fish 0 1 ? 2 2
Paper 0 1 2 2 4
Ore 1 1 3 3 5
Tools 1 2.5 3.5 6 8
Oil 3 4.5 6 9 10.5
Steel 3 4.5 9 12 15.5
Grog 2 9 11.5 14.5 20
Catnip ? 12 13 ? 29
Diamonds 7 17 21 28 32.5
Unobtainium 10 15.5 30.5 37.5 50

Supplies are only earned from combats when they're fought during a patrol, and only certain combats earn Supplies.[3]

Combat Supplies
Hidden Patrol 4980
Minefield 1308
Hidden Fleet 8220
Lighthouse 7690
Two Towers 8760
Hidden Circle 2820
Hidden Triangle 2280
Hidden Square 3360
Hidden Airship 1740
Hidden Ring 4980
Hidden Raid 6060
Hidden Attack 7140
Hidden Assault 9300
Mine Storm 2820
Hidden Storm 12,000


  1. Chesterfield Taft. The Hidden War - Official Rules Thread, 26 April 2010.
  2. Chesterfield Taft. Hidden War Changes - 6/22/10, 22 June 2010.
  3. Chesterfield Taft. Legendary Combat Impact on the Hidden War, 23 June 2010.